Lil' Info
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Well, Lets about a quick overview?

My name is Ciara Midree (pronounce: See-air-ra Mah-dray) and I'm 15 yrs old, I live in Chicago by way of B-more, I am a African-Caucasian-Native American(as far as I know)a.k.a.-Black, and I like the color purple(both the movie and the actual color, every shade of it.). The whole mystical thing (psychic, different planes of existence, etc.) interests me, as a matter of fact the "cosmic" pic at the right links to another one of my sites, which is, lets say, a bit more artistic.

How's that?
Officially proclaimed 41% Slut by The Spark

Major props...
I gotta give some serious mention of Jessica, the owner of since her pics are the main thing on this site. Even though no one will probably ever see them on my page, they really should see them on hers cause they are beautiful, hilarious, and all that. Her pics are "hella-cool".

Details, Details
Hopefully, every month I'll be changing the pictures on the photo page as well as other tid bits I feel like adding to keep things new. And anything you ask for, I'll add. Just ask.


Email Me!
Scigirl at

The Wonderful World of Scigirl